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Engineering Mechanics MCQs TT-2 (May 2021)

Post by: Sachin Dabhade ( Data Science )

        These are the practice MCQs of the Second Term Test (TT-2) based on the Engineering Mechanics TT-2 syllabus of Shirpur Education Society, R. C. Patel Institution of Technology.

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Engineering Mechanics MCQs

RCPIT Examination, Shirpur.

Type 1: Multiple Choice Question - 1 Marks

1: A roller support has how many reactions?
a) 2
b) 1
c) 4
d) 3
Ans -B

2: A build-in, fixed support has how many reactions and moments?
a) 1 reaction and 1 moment
b) 2 reactions and 1 moment
c) 1 reaction and 2 moments
d) Only 2 reactions
Ans- B

3: The resulting force of a uniformly distributed load is always acting at
a) The centroid of the uniformly distributed load
b) The centroid of the area of the beam
c) The 1/3 point from the higher intensity side of the loading curve
d) The 2/3 point from the higher intensity side of the loading curve
Ans- A

4: The simplification of the couple is done for free body diagrams on the
basis of:
a) The clockwise and the anti-clockwise rotation sign convention.
b) The simplification is not possible
c) The couple is a vector and thus can’t be simplified
d) The couple is a scalar and can’t be simplified
Ans- A

5: Free body diagram is an
a) Isolated joint with only body forces acting on it
b) Isolated joint with internal forces acting on it
c) Isolated joint with all the forces, internal as well as external, acting on it
d) None of the these
Ans - C

6: Two forces can be in equilibrium only if
a) They are equal in magnitude
b) They are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction
c) They are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and have same line of action
d) They are opposite in direction, and have same line of action
Ans- C

7: ________ support develops support moment.
a) Hinged
b) Fixed
c) Simple
d) Joint
Ans- B

8: The three force system can also be in the equilibrium if:
a) All the forces are parallel to each other heading towards the same direction
b) The force components cancel each other
c) The forces are very small in magnitude
d) The forces are very huge in magnitude
Ans- B

9: If a body in equilibrium condition is acted by three forces at three points,
then the line of action of these forces should be _____
a) Always concurrent
b) Always parallel
c) concurrent or parallel
d) None of these
Ans- C

10: The Cantilever beam has one end _________ and other end _______.
a) Hinged, free
b) fixed, free
c) fixed, hinged
d) None of these
Ans- B

11: Indeterminate structures have a number of unknown quantities _________
available conditions of equilibrium.
a) Equal to
b) Less than
c) More than
d) None of these
Ans- C

12: What is a “simple beam”?
a) A beam with only one support at the mid span.
b) A beam supported only at its ends.
c) A beam supported with a fixed support at one end and none on the other end.
d) A beam with more than two supports
Ans - B

13: Angle of friction is angle between
a) the incline and horizontal
b) the normal reaction and friction force
c) the weight of the body and friction force
d) normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and friction force
Ans- D

14: The angle which an inclined surface makes with the horizontal when a
body placed on it is on the verge of moving down is called
a) angle of repose
b) angle of friction
c) angle of inclination
d) none of these
Ans- A

15: The force of friction depends on
a) area of contact
b) roughness of the surfaces
c) both area of contact & roughness of the surfaces
d) none of these
Ans- B

16: The maximum frictional force developed when a body just begins to slide
over the surface of another body is
a) sliding friction
b) rolling friction
c) limiting friction
d) none of the these
Ans - C

17: Frictional force is independent of
a) coefficient of friction
b) angle of friction
c) shape and size of surface of contact
d) none of these
Ans - C

18: Compared to static friction, kinetic friction is
a) greater
b) smaller
c) very large
d) zero
Ans- B

19: The unit of coefficient of friction is
a) N
b) N/m
c) N-m
d) None of these
Ans- D

20 The frictional force developed always acts ____________ to the surface of
the application of the friction.
a) Tangential
b) Perpendicular
c) Parallel
d) Normal
Ans - A

21 Kinetic friction is
a) Maximum value of frictional force when a body is about to move
b) Friction between two well lubricated bodies
c) Friction force acting when the body is in motion
d) Friction force which keeps a body in motion
Ans- C

22 The ratio of limiting to friction to normal reaction is called as,
a) Static friction
b) Coefficient of friction
c) Kinetic friction
d) Correct option is not given
Ans - B

23 The body will move only when
a) Force of friction is less than applied force
b) Force of friction equal applied force
c) Force of friction greater than applied force
d) All Option are correct
Ans - A

24 The ratio of static friction to dynamic friction is always
a) Equal to one
b) Less than one
c) Greater than one
d) Correct option is not given
Ans- A

25: When the particle moves along a straight line, the motion is called as
a) Curvilinear motion
b) Rectilinear motion
c) Projectile motion
d) None of these
Ans- B

26: The branch of dynamics that deals with the effect of on body in motion
without considering the cause of motion is called as
a) Statics
b) Law of momentum
c) Law of Transmissibility
d) Kinematics
Ans- D

27: The rate of change of __________ with respect to time is called as jerk
a) acceleration
b) density
c) displacement
d) volume

28: When acceleration is _______, velocity of a particle is constant
a) constant but non zero
b) maximum
c) zero
d) none of these
Ans - C

29: Retardation means
a) Uniform acceleration
b) Negative acceleration
c) Positive acceleration
d) Variable acceleration
Ans- B

30: Slope of v-t diagram gives
a) Displacement
b) Velocity
c) Acceleration
d) Jerk
Ans- C

31: Which of the following conditions of equilibrium is not satisfied for
coplanar concurrent forces to be in equilibrium?
a) Σ Fx = Σ Fy = 0
b) Σ M = 0
c) Σ Fx = Σ Fy = Σ M = 0
d) None of these
Ans- A

32: A Reactive force arises
a) Whenever motion restrained in a direction
b) Whenever motion is free in a direction
c) Whenever bodies are free from surroundings
d) due to intermolecular attraction
Ans- Not found

33: The necessary condition for equilibrium of a coplanar concurrent force
system is that the algebraic sum of ------------ must be zero.
A) horizontal and vertical forces
B) moment of forces
C) horizontal, vertical forces and moments
D) none of these
Ans - A

34: If the equations of static equilibrium alone are sufficient to analyze the
structure then is called as
a) Collapsible
b) Statically determinate
c) Statically indeterminate
d) Under rigid
Ans- C

35: The magnitude of distributed load is given as
a) Load per unit length (N/meter)
b) Load per unit area (N/meter sq.)
c) Load per unit cross section area (N/meter sq.)
d) Load per unit volume (N/cu. meter)
Ans- A

36: When load per unit length of beam is constant it is a
a) Uniformly distributed load
b) Uniformly varying load
c) Uniformly concentrated load
d) Point Load
Ans- A

37: Hinge support is called as __________
a) Socket joint
b) Swivel joint
c) Ball joint
d) Pin joint
Ans- D

38: For a smooth spherical surface reaction acts----------
a) horizontal to the plane of contact.
b) inclined to the plane of contact.
c) perpendicular to a plane of contact
d) none of these.
Ans- C

39: The couple is a scalar quantity and the force is vector quantity and hence
only force can be simplified as __________
a) The first part of the statement is false and another part is true
b) The first part of the statement is false and another part is false too
c) The first part of the statement is true and another part is false
d) The first part of the statement is true and another part is true too
Ans- B

40: A particle in equilibrium has -------acceleration.
a) constant
b) zero
c) increasing
d) none of these
Ans- B

41: For equilibrium of collinear force system, the number of equations is---
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) none of these
Ans- C

42: Support reaction for statically determinate beams can be determined by
a) condition of static equilibrium
b) lami’s theorem
c) varignon’s theorem
d) none of these

43: At impending motion
a) body is about to move
b) frictional force is maximum
c) frictional force is equal to tangential applied force
d) all of these

44: The force of friction developed at the contact surface is always
a) parallel to the plane and along the direction of the applied force
b) Perpendicular to the plane
c) parallel to the plane and opposite to the direction of motion
d) all these
Ans- B

45: Coulomb’s laws of friction are applicable to
a) two solid surfaces in contact
b) two fluid layers
c) a fluid layer and a solid surface
d) none of these
Ans- A

46: Force required to start motion is
a) less than the force required to maintain motion
b) more than the force required to maintain motion
c) equal to the force required to maintain motion
d) none of these
Ans- B

47: When a body is moving the force of friction is known as
a) static friction
b) limiting friction
c) rolling friction
d) kinetic friction
Ans- D

48: The coefficient of kinetic friction is less than the coefficient of static
a) True
b) False
Ans- A

49 Friction can be reduced by using---
a) oil
b) greece
c) powder
d) all of these
Ans- D

50 Which of the following kinetic friction is smaller?
a) Limiting friction
b) Static friction
c) Rolling friction
d) Sliding friction
Ans- C

51 Coulomb friction is
a) Friction between electrically charged bodies
b) Friction between bodies having relative motion
c) Friction between solids and liquids
d) Friction between dry surfaces
Ans- B

52 If the angle of friction is zero a body will experience
a) Infinite friction
b) Zero friction
c) The force of friction will act normal to the plane
d) The force of friction will act in the direction of motion
Ans - B

53 The force of friction depends upon
a) Nature of surface of contact
b) Material of objects in contact
c) Nature of surface of contact and material of objects in contact
d) Correct option is not given

54 The value frictional force is minimum at smooth surface
a) True
b) False
Ans - A

55: If a body starts from rest, its initial velocity is
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Zero
d) One
Ans- C

56: The area under velocity diagram represents the distance travelled
a) True
b) False
Ans- A

57: Acceleration mean
a) Rate of change of velocity with respect to time
b) Rate of change of displacement with respect to time
c) Rate of change of direction with respect to time
d) None of these
Ans - A

58: Displacement of a body is a ___________ quantity
a) scalar
b) vector
c) scalar and vector
d) none of the mentioned
Ans- B

59: Equation of final velocity is
a) V= 2u + at
b) V= u + 2at
c) V= u + a s
d) V=u + at
Ans- D

60: During unidirectional motion, the displacement and distance traveled by a
particle with uniform acceleration is
a) Different
b) Same
c) Variable
d) None of these
Ans- B

61: Beam AB of span 9 m span carries a UVL. Load intensity is zero at end A
and 8 kN/m at other end B. The equivalent point load is _____ and acting at a distance
of _____ from B.
a) 36 kN and 3 m
b) 72 kN and 4.5 m
c) 16 kN and 4.5 m
d) 54 kN and 3 m
Ans- A

62: A simply supported beam AB of span 10 m is carrying a uniformly
distributed load of 3 kN/m over the entire span. Support reactions at point A and B will
be a) RA= 20 kN and RB= 10 kN
b) RA= 10 kN and RB= 20 kN
c) RA= 15 kN and RB= 15 kN
d) RA= 10 kN and RB = 10 Kn

63: For a U.D.L. of 6 m span and 3 kN/m loading intensity, the equivalent
point load is _____ and acting at a distance of _____ from either end.
a) 18 N and 3 m
b) 6 kN and 3 m
c) 12 kN and 1 m
d) 18 kN and 3 m

64: A simply supported beam AB of span 6 m is carrying a uniformly
distributed load of 2 kN/m over a length of 3 m from the right end B. Calculate the
support reactions at point B
a) RB= 1.5 kN
b) RB= 3.5 kN
c) RB= 2.5 kN
d) RB= 4.5 kN

65: A simply supported beam of span 6 m is carrying a uniformly distributed
load of 2 kN/m over a length of 3 m from the right end B. Calculate the support reactions
at point A
a) RA= 1.5 kN
b) RA= 3.5 kN
c) RA= 4.5 kN
d) RA=2.5 kN
Ans- Not Found

66: A simply supported beam AB of span 10m carried a point load of 20kN at
its center. Calculate reactions at support A and B.
a) RA= 10 kN and RB= 10 kN
b) RA= 15 kN and RB= 5 kN
c) RA= 5 kN and RB= 15 kN
d) RA= 12 kN and RB= 8 kN
Ans- A

67: If three concurrent forces, each of magnitude P, are in equilibrium, the
angle made by three forces with positive x- axis can be----------
a) 30 degree, 60 degree, 90 degree
b) 00 degree, 90 degree, 270 degree
c) 30 degree, 150 degree, 270 degree
d) 00 degree, 180 degree, 270 degree
Ans- A

68: A simply supported beam AB of length 5m is acted upon by a point load
of 10 kN at a distance of 2m from A. The reactions at A and B respectively are----------
a) 4kN, 6kN
b) 6kN, 4kN
c) 5kN, 5kN
d) 10kN, 0
Ans- B

69: A trapezoidal load AB has a span of 5m, the loading intensity at end A is
8 kN/m and at end B is 10 kN/m, then its total equivalent point load is
a) 45 kN
b) 80 kN
c) 60 kN
d) 18 kN
Ans- A

70: A simply supported beam AB, 3m long carries uniformly varying load
such that the intensity of load at end A is 10kN/m and at end B is zero. What is the
support reaction at end A?
a) 10 kN
b) 5 kN
c) 7 kN
d) 15 kN
Ans- Not Found

71: If three concurrent forces A, B and C are acting at a point and the angle
between each force is 120 degrees. If force B = 10 N then the value of force A and force
C is respectively.
a) 20N, 20N
b) 15N, 15N
c) 5N, 5N
d) 10N, 10N
Ans - D

72: If a plane is inclined at the angle of repose and an object placed on it is
given a velocity of 1 m/s down the plane, the object __________.
a) moves with constant velocity
b) retards
c) accelerates
d) none of the above
Ans- Not Found

73: Block B is kept on block A which in turn is kept on a horizontal surface.
A horizontal Force is applied towards right on A but A does not move. The frictional
force on B Will be ___
a) directed towards right
b) directed towards left
c) zero
d) vertical
Ans- C

74: A block of weight W is held against a vertical wall by applying a horizontal
force F, The minimum value of F needed to hold the block is ________.
a) less than W
b) equal to W
c) more than W
d) none of these

75: A body just begins sliding on a horizontal surface when a force of 100 N
is applied parallel to the surface. If the body is pulled with a horizontal force of 50 N,
the frictional force will be ___________.
a) zero
b) 100 N
c) 50 N
d) 5 N
Ans- C

76: When a bicycle is in motion and is not being pedalled, the frictional force
exerted by the ground on the bicycle is ________.
a) in the backward direction on the front wheel and in the forward direction on the rear
b) in the forward direction on the front wheel and in the backward direction on the rear
c) in the backward direction on the both the front and the rear wheels
d) in the forward direction on both the front and the rear wheels
Ans- A

77: A heavy block is to be raised against a vertical wall by inserting a wedge
under it.The direction of frictional force on the block from the wall is ______.
a) upward
b) downward
c) horizontal
d) inclined at 45 degrees with horizontal
Ans - A

78 A mass of 4kg rests on a horizontal plane. The plane is gradually inclined
until at an angle θ= 15° with the horizontal, the mass just begins to slide. What is the
coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface?
a) 0.814
b) 0.27
c) 1.5
d) 3.5
Ans- Not Found

79 If normal reaction = 75 KN and frictional force = 17 KN then coefficient
of friction (µ) is
a) 0.18
b) 0.13
c) 0.23
d) 0.33
Ans- C

80 A tapered shaped block (i.e. Wedge) with very less angle which are used
a) Lifting the block
b) Shifting the block
c) Holding the block
d) Lifting the block, Shifting the block and Holding the block
Ans- B

81 If coefficient of friction is 0.1 and normal reaction R is 50 N, then frictional
force is
a) 5 N
b) 6 N
c) 1 N
d) 0.5 N
Ans- A

82: A block of weight 100N placed on the horizontal floor is pulled by a
rightward horizontal force P. Take μ = 0.2 between ground and block. Find the minimum
value of force P to just start the motion of the block
a) 100N
b) 20N
c) 50N
d) 30N
Ans- B

83: A particle is freely released from top of a building of height 10 m, and then
the particle will hit the ground with velocity
a) 9.81 m/s
b) 19.62 m/s
c) 14m/s
d) 41 m/s
Ans -A

84: A Particle moves from origin and covers 25 m in forward direction and
returns to origin. Its displacement and distance travelled are ……m
a) 0, 25
b) 25, 50
c) 0, 0
d) 0, 50
Ans D

85: What is the final velocity of a body moving against gravity when it attain
the maximum height
a) Zero
b) u/2g
c) h/t
d) 2gh
Ans- A

86: Find the velocity of a body after 5 sec, and the distance travelled in 5 sec.
If it’s initial velocity is 10 m/sec and uniform acceleration is 0.5 m/sec2.
a) V=22.5 m/sec and S = 46.25m
b) V=22.5 m/sec and S = 56.25m
c) V=12.5 m/sec and S = 56.25m
d) V=12.5 m/sec and S = 46.25m
Ans- C

87: A body is allowed to fall from the top of a tower 150 m high. After what
time will it reach the ground?
a) 6.63 sec
b) 5.63 sec
c) 4.53 sec
d) 5.53 sec
Ans- Not Found

88: A particle starts moving along a straight line with initial velocity of 25 m/s.
from origin O under a uniform acceleration of – 2.5 m/sec2
. Determine its velocity,
displacement and the distance travelled at t=5 sec
a) V= 12.5 m/sec S= 63.75 d=93.75 m
b) V= 12.5 m/sec S= 93.75 d=93.75 m
c) V= 13.5 m/sec S= 63.75 d=63.75 m
d) V= 13.5 m/sec S= 93.75 d=63.75 m
Ans - B

89: What is the distance traveled by an electron in the first 4 seconds from its
initial position, if velocity time relation is given as v = 3t?
a) 12
b) 15
c) 20
d) 24

90: The velocity of a body at a given instant is called
a) Instantaneous velocity
b) Uniform velocity
c) Non-uniform velocity
d) None of these
Ans- A

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