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Basic Electronics and Electrical Engineering MCQs TT-2 (May 2021

Post by: Sachin Dabhade ( Data Science )

        These are the practice MCQs of the Second Term Test (TT-2) based on the Basic Electronics and Electrical Engineering (BEEE) TT-2 syllabus of Shirpur Education Society, R. C. Patel Institution of Technology.

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Basic Electronics and Electrical Engineering MCQs

RCPIT Examination, Shirpur.

Type 1: Multiple Choice Question - 1 Marks

By using source transformation voltage source in series resistor is replaced by 
    A) Voltage source in series with a resistor 
    B) Current source in parallel with a resistor 
    C) Voltage source in parallel with a resistor 
    D) Current source in series with a resistor 
Ans: B

Delta connection is also known as 
    A) Y-connection 
    B) Mesh connection 
    C) Either Y-connection or mesh connection 
    D) Neither Y-connection nor mesh connection 
Ans: B

For maximum transfer of power internal resistance of the source should be 
    A) Equal to load resistance 
    B) Less than the load resistance 
    C) Greater than the load resistance 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: A

If there are five 20V voltage sources in parallel then in source transformation 
    A) All are considered 
    B) Only one is considered 
    C) All are ignored 
    D) Only 2 are considered 
Ans: B

If there are two resistors in parallel and in series with a voltage source then 
    A) Parallel resistor has no effect 
    B) Series resistor has no effect 
    C) Both has their respective effects 
    D) Both has no effect on the voltage source 
Ans: A

If there is a 10A current source in series with 2Ω and in parallel with a 3Ω resistor then voltage V= 
    A) 24V 
    B) 48V 
    C) 36V 
    D) 30V 
Ans: D

If there is a 12A current source in series with 2Ω and in parallel with a 1Ω resistor then voltage V 
    A) 24V 
    B) 48V 
    C) 36V 
    D) 12V 
Ans: D

If there is a 12A current source in series with 2Ω and in parallel with a 2Ω resistor, then voltage V 
    A) 24V 
    B) 48V 
    C) 3V 
    D) 6V 
Ans: A

If there is a 12A current source in series with 2Ω and in parallel with a 3Ω resistor then voltage V 
    A) 24V 
    B) 48V 
    C) 36V 
    D) 6V 
Ans: C

If there is a 12A current source in series with 2Ω and in parallel with a 4Ω resistor, then voltage V 
    A) 24V 
    B) 48V 
    C) 3V 
    D) 6V 
Ans: B

In any network containing more than one sources of e.m.f. the current in any branch is the algebraic sum of a number of individual currents the number being equal to the number of sources of e.m.f. each of which is due to separate action of each source of e.m.f. taken order, when the remaining sources of e.m.f. are replaced by conductors, the resistances of which are equal to the internal resistances of the respective sources.The above statement is associated with 
    A) Thevenins theorem 
    B) Nortons theorem 
    C) Superposition theorem 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: C

In source transformation 
    A) Voltage sources remain same 
    B) Current sources remain same 
    C) Both voltage and current sources undergo change 
    D) Resistances/Impedances remain same 
Ans: D

In Thevenins theorem to find Z 
    A) All independent current sources are short circuited and independent voltage sources are open circuited 
    B) All independent voltage sources are open circuited and all independent current sources are short circuited 
    C) All independent voltage and current sources are short circuited 
    D) All independent voltage sources are short circuited and all independent current sources are open circuited 
Ans: D

One can find the thevenins resistance simply by removing all voltage/current sources and calculating equivalent resistance 
    A) False 
    B) True 
Ans: A

PIV Center tap Wave rectifier 
    A) Vm 
    B) 2Vm 
    C) Vm-1 
    D) Vm+2 
Ans: A

Source transformation can be used for dependent sources 
    A) True 
    B) False 
Ans: A

Source transformation can be used for dependent sources 
    A) True 
    B) False 
Ans: A

Source Transformation is 
    A) Unilateral 
    B) Unique 
    C) Bilateral 
    D) Complicated 
Ans: C

Source transformation technique is mainly based on __________ law. 
    A) Newton’s 
    B) Kirchhoff’s 
    C) Ohm’s 
    D) Einstein’s 
Ans: C

Star connection is also known as 
    A) Y-connection 
    B) Mesh connection 
    C) Either Y-connection or mesh connection 
    D) Neither Y-connection nor mesh connection 
Ans: A

Superposition theorem can be applied only to circuits having 
    A) Resistive elements 
    B) Passive elements 
    C) Nonlinear elements 
    D) Linear bilateral elements 
Ans: D

The superposition theorem is applicable to 
    A) Voltage only 
    B) Current only 
    C) Both current and voltage 
    D) Current, voltage and power 
Ans: D

The superposition theorem requires as many circuits to be solved as there are 
    A) Sources, nodes and meshes 
    B) Sources and nodes 
    C) Sources 
    D) Nodes 
Ans: C

Thevenins equivalent circuit consists of a 
    A) Voltage source in series with a resistor 
    B) Current source in parallel with a resistor 
    C) Voltage source in parallel with a resistor 
    D) Current source in series with a resistor 
Ans: A

Thevenins resistance RTh 
    A) VTh/ISC 
    B) VSC/ITh 
    C) VTh/ITh 
    D) VSC /ISC 
Ans: A

Thevenins voltage is equal to 
    A) Short circuit voltage 
    B) Open circuit current 
    C) Open circuit voltage 
    D) Short circuit current 
Ans: C

To which of the following is the superposition theorem applicable 
    A) Voltage 
    B) Current 
    C) Power 
    D) All of the above 
Ans: D

TUF of half Wave rectifier is 
    A) 0.693 
    B) 0.780 
    C) 0.980 
    D) 1.001 
Ans: A

What is the expression forthe thevenins current if there is an external resistance in series with the RTh 
    A) VTh/ITh 
    B) VTh/ (RTh-R) 
    C) VTh/ (RTh+R) 
    D) VTh/RTh 
Ans: C

Which among the following is also regarded as dual of Thevenins Theorem 
    A) Millmans Theorem 
    B) Superposition Theorem 
    C) Nortons Theorem 
    D) Maximum Power 
Ans: C

Transfer Theorem A Positive clamper adds a 
    A) Positive DC level to an AC voltage 
    B) Negative DC level to an AC voltage 
    C) Positive AC level to an DC voltage 
    D) Negative AC level to an DC voltage 
Ans: A

A Reverse saturation current is double for every ____ Temparature 
    A) 100 C 
    B) 200 C 
    C) 300 C 
    D) 400 C 
Ans: 10*celcius

Clippers used to clip off portion of signal voltage 
    A) Only Above 
    B) Only Below 
    C) Both Above and Below 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: C

From the Mobile battery charger we get output 
    A) AC 
    B) DC 
    C) none of these 
Ans: B

In a PN junction with no external voltage the electric field between acceptor and donor ions is called a 
    A) Peak 
    B) Barrier 
    C) Threshold 
    D) Path 
Ans: B

In which rectifier value of ripple factor is less 
    A) Full wave rectifier 
    B) Half wave rectifier 
    C) None of the above 
Ans: A

Number of diode used in full Wave center tap rectifier 
    A) 1 
    B) 2 
    C) 3 
    D) 4 
Ans: D

Number of diode used in half Wave rectifier 
    A) 1 
    B) 2 
    C) 3 
    D) 4 
Ans: A

Output voltage available in both input half cycles is called 
    A) Half wave rectifier 
    B) Full Wave rectifier 
    C) clipper 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: B

Rectifiers are commonly used in battery chargers 
    A) True 
    B) False 
Ans: A

Ripple factor 
    A) Irms / Idc 
    B) Irms – Idc 
    C) Irms + Idc 
    D) Irms * Idc 
Ans: A

The Bridge Rectifier essentially a 
    A) Full Wave rectifier 
    B) Half wave rectifier 
    C) Clamper 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: A

The capacitance of a reverse biased PN junction 
    A) Increases as reverse bias is increased 
    B) Decreases as reverse bias is increased 
    C) Increases as reverse bias is decreased 
    D) Is insignificantly low 
Ans: C

The process of removing one-half the input signal to establish a dc level is called ________. 
    A) rectifier 
    B) full-wave rectifier 
    C) half-wave rectifier 
    D) filtering 
Ans: C

The source voltage must be ________ the voltage drop across the diode to conduct the diode. 
    A) larger than 
    B) smaller than 
    C) the same as 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: A

To Conduct a germanium diode required voltages less than or equal to 0.3 V 
    A) True 
    B) False 
Ans: A

To Conduct a Silicon diode required voltages less than or equal to 0.7V 
    A) True 
    B) False 
Ans: A 

Transformer utilization factor of a center tapped full wave rectifier is equal to 
    A) 0.623 
    B) 0.678 
    C) 0.693 
    D) 0.625 
Ans: B

Under normal conditions a diode conducts current when it is 
    A) reverse-biased 
    B) forward-biaseD) 
    C) avalancheD) 
    D) saturateD) 
Ans: B

What happens if the input voltage is higher than reference voltage in a positive clipper 
    A) Output voltage = Reference voltage 
    B) Output voltage = DC Positive voltage 
    C) Output voltage = Input voltage 
    D) All of the mentioned 
Ans: A

What rectifier does 
    A) converting DC to AC 
    B) converting AC to DC 
    C) none of these 
Ans: B

When a PN junction is reverse biased 
    A) Holes and electrons tend to concentrate towards the junction 
    B) The barrier tends to break down 
    C) Holes and electrons tend to move away from the junction 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: A

When PN junction is in forward bias by increasing the battery voltage 
    A) Circuit resistance increases 
    B) Current through P-N junction increases 
    C) Current through P-N junction decreases 
    D) None of the above happens 
Ans: B

Which of the following is not a necessary component in a clamper circuit 
    A) Diode 
    B) Capacitor 
    C) Resistor 
    D) Independent DC Supply 
Ans: D

Which one is the network theorem in electrical engineering 
    A) Newtons Law 
    B) Nortons Theorem 
    C) Water Fall Modal 
    D) Kircheff Law 
Ans: D

Which rectifier has more efficiency 
    A) half wave rectifier 
    B) full wave rectifier 
Ans: B

While calculating Rth in Thevenins theorem and Norton equivalent 
    A) All independent sources are made dead 
    B) Only current sources are made dead 
    C) Only voltage sources are made dead 
    D) All voltage and current sources are made dead 
Ans: A

You have an unknown type of diode in a circuit. You measure the voltage across it and find it to be 0.3 V. The diode might be 
    A) a silicon diode. 
    B) a germanium diode. 
    C) a forward-biased silicon diode. 
    D) a reverse-biased germanium diode. 
Ans: B

A clamping network must have ________. 
    A) a capacitor 
    B) a diode 
    C) a resistive element 
    D) All of the above 
Ans: D

A diode conducts current when reverse-biased and blocks current when forward-biased 
    A) True 
    B) False 
Ans: B

A diode conducts when it is forward-biased, and the anode is connected to the ________ through a limiting resistor. 
    A) positive supply 
    B) negative supply 
    C) cathode 
    D) anode 
Ans: A

A germanium diode is approximated by ________ equivalent for voltages less than 0.3 V. 
    A) a short circuit 
    B) a series circuit 
    C) a parallel circuit 
    D) an open circuit 
Ans: D

A positive clipper, the diode conducts when 
    A) Vin < Vref 
    B) Vin = Vref 
    C) Vin > Vref 
    D) None of the mentioned 
Ans: B

A positive small signal halfwave rectifier can 
    A) Rectify signals with peak value only 
    B) Rectify signals with value of few millivolts only 
    C) Rectify signals with both peak value and down to few millivolts 
    D) None of the mentioned 
Ans: C

An ideal diode presents ________ when reversed-biased and a________ when forward biased 
    A) open, short 
    B) short, open 
    C) open, open 
    D) short, short 
Ans: A

An n-type semiconductor material 
    A) is intrinsiC 
    B) has trivalent impurity atoms added 
    C) has pentavalent impurity atoms added 
    D) requires no doping. 
Ans: C

An op-amp clamper circuit is also referred as 
    A) DC cutter 
    B) DC inserter 
    C) DC lifter 
    D) DC leveler 
Ans: B

As the forward current through a silicon diode increases, the internal resistance 
    A) positive supply increases 
    B) decreases 
    C) remains the same 
    D) none of the above 
Ans: B

Clippers add a dc level to an ac signal. 
    A) True 
    B) False 
Ans: B

Diode in small signal positive halfwave rectifier circuit acts as 
    A) Ideal diode 
    B) Clipper diode 
    C) Clamper diode 
    D) Rectifier diode 
Ans: D

During reverse bias a small current develops known as 
    A) Forward current 
    B) Reverse current 
    C) Reverse saturation current 
    D) Active current 
Ans: C

Efficiency of a centre tapped full wave rectifier is 
    A) 50% 
    B) 46% 
    C) 70% 
    D) 81.2% 
Ans: D

Efficiency of a half wave rectifier is 
    A) 50% 
    B) 60% 
    C) 40.6% 
    D) 46% 
Ans: C

For a PN junction diode, the current in reverse bias may be 
    A) Few miliamperes 
    B) Between 0.2 A and 15 A 
    C) Few amperes 
    D) Few micro or nano amperes 
Ans: D

How many junctions do a diode consist 
    A) 0 
    B) 1 
    C) 2 
    D) 3 
Ans: C

If input frequency is 50Hz then output frequency of bridge full wave rectifier will be equal to _________ 
    A) 200Hz 
    B) 50Hz 
    C) 45Hz 
    D) 100Hz 
Ans: D

If peak voltage on a bridge full wave rectifier circuit is 5V and diode cut-in voltage is 0.7, then peak inverse voltage on diode will be _________ 
    A) 4.3V 
    B) 5.7V 
    C) 10V 
    D) 5V 
Ans: A

If the positive terminal of the battery is connected to the anode of the diode then it is known as 
    A) Forward biased 
    B) Reverse biased 
    C) Equilibrium 
    D) Schottky barrier 
Ans: B

In a diode clamper, the capacitor retains a charge approximately equal to the peak value of the input. 
    A) True 
    B) False 
Ans: A

In a PN junction the potential barrier is due to the charges on either side of the junction these charges are 
    A) Majority carriers 
    B) Minority carrierS 
    C) Both (A) and (B) 
    D) Fixed donor and acceptor ions 
Ans: C

List the categories of clippers. 
    A) Series 
    B) Parallel 
    C) Series and parallel 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: C

Number of diodes used in a full wave bridge rectifier is ________ 
    A) 1 
    B) 2 
    C) 4 
    D) 6 
Ans: D

PIV is which of the following 
    A) peak input voltage 
    B) peak inverse voltage 
    C) peak immediate voltage 
    D) positive input voltage 
Ans: B

Ripple factor of a half wave rectifier is_________Im is the peak current and RL is load resistance 
    A) 1.414     
    B) 1.21 
    C) 1.4 
    D) 0.48 
Ans: B

The boundary between p-type material and n-type material is called 
    A) a diode. 
    B) a reverse-biased diode. 
    C) a pn junction. 
    D) a forward-biased diode. 
Ans: C

The clipping level in op-amp is determined by 
    A) AC supply voltage 
    B) Control voltage 
    C) Reference voltage 
    D) Input voltage 
Ans: C

The full-wave rectifierr provides ________ output than the half-wave rectifier. 
    A) better 
    B) poorer 
    C) the same 
    D) None of the above 
Ans: A

The output frequency of a full-wave rectifier is ________ the input frequency. 
    A) one-half 
    B) equal to 
    C) twice 
    D) one-quarter
Ans: C

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