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Engineering Chemistry MCQs TT-2 (May 2021)

Post by : Sachin Dabhade ( Data Science ) Recommended by Kunal Sonawane

        These are the practice MCQs of the Second Term Test (TT-2) based on the Chemistry TT-2 syllabus of Shirpur Education Society, R. C. Patel Institution of Technology.

Engineering Chemistry MCQs

RCPIT Examination, Shirpur.

Type 1: Multiple Choice Question - 1 Marks

Post by : Sachin Dabhade ( Data Science )

1 Melting point of solid silver is ---------. 
    A. 961 ºC
    B. 963 ºC
    C. 966 ºC
    D. 964 ºC
Ans: A

2 A mixture of two miscible liquids (ethanol and water) has the number of phases equal to
    A. zero
    B. one
    C. two
    D. three
Ans: B

3 The total number of variable factors which must be specified so that the remaining variables are fixed automatically and the system is completely defined. It is known as
    A. a phase
    B. a component
    C. degrees of freedom
    D. none of these
Ans: C

4 The number of components present in the following systems (1) Water <-->Water vapour (2) KCl + Water <--> KCl hydrate
    A. 1 and 1
    B. 1 and 2
    C. 2 and 1
    D. 2 and 3
Ans: B

5 Number of phases present in air is ---------------- 
    A. 0
    B. 1
    C. 2
    D. 3
Ans: C

6 Which of the following statements is incorrect
    A. Water is the one component system
    B. PCl5 (s) <--> PCl3 (l) + Cl2 (g) is a three component system
    C. Lead silver is the two component system
    D. None of above
Ans: B

7 How many phases and components are present in the following system? CaCO3(s)
<---> CaO (s) + CO2 (g)
    A. 2, 3
    B. 3, 2
    C. 3,3
    D. 1, 3
Ans: B

8 Following is wrong about a phase diagram.
    A. It gives information on transformation rates.
    B. Relative amount of different phases can be found under given equilibrium conditions.
    C. It indicates the temperature at which different phases start to melt.
    D. Solid solubility limits are depicted by it
Ans: A

9 What is the name of the phase transition that occurs when a solid is converted directly into a gas (without going through the liquid phase)?
    A. Melting
    B. Boiling
    C. Condensing
    D. Sublimation
Ans: D

10 Which of the following statements are true about the Eutectic point on a two component (compounds A and B) phase diagram?
    A. Both compounds are solid
    B. The melting point of the mixture is lower than the melting points of either of the individual compounds
    C. One compound is in the liquid phase while the other is in the solid phase
    D. It always occurs when the ratio of compound A to compound B is 50:50
Ans: C

11 On a phase diagram an isotherm indicates which of the following?
    A. A region where the composition of the system is constant
    B. A region where the pressure is constant
    C. An area below which only the solid phase exists
    D. A region where the temperature is constant
Ans: D

12 Which one of the following best defines the word “allotropes”? 
    A. Different structural forms of an element
    B. A pair of substances that differ by H+
    C. Elements that possess properties intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals
    D. The different phases (solid, liquid or gas) of a substance
Ans: A

13 At a triple point
    A. Both the temperature and pressure are fixed
    B. Only the temperature is fixed
    C. Only the pressure is fixed
    D. Sometimes pressure and sometime temperature is fixed
Ans: A

14 Phase rule is applicable to
    A. Both physical and chemical equilibria
    B. Only physical equilibria
    C. Only chemical equilibria
    D. Sometimes physical equlibria and sometimes chemical equilibria
Ans: A

15 Following is wrong about application of phase rule.
    A.It is a convenient method of classifying the equilibrium states in terms of phases, components
and degree of freedom.
    B. It indicates different system with same degree of freedom behaves similarly.
    C. It helps us to predict the behavior of a system, under different sets of variables.
    D. It does not helps in deciding whether the number of substances remains in equilibrium or not.
Ans: D

16 A graph obtained by plotting one degree of freedom against another is called as----------.
    A. Phase diagram
    B. Degree of freedom diagram
    C. Component diagram
    D. none of these
Ans: B

17 If temperature is plotted against pressure, the diagram is called ------------. Similarly, a plot of temperature against composition is known as---------- .
    A. P-T diagram, T-C diagram
    B. Degree of freedom diagram, Component diagram
    C. Component diagram, Degree of freedom diagram
    D. none of these
Ans: A

18 The significant or characteristic features of a phase diagram are
    A. Areas
    B. Curves
    C. Triple point
    D. all of these
Ans: D

19 Regions or Areas of any phase diagram represents------------of the system.
    A. number of phases
    B. number of components
    C. Triple point
    D. all of these
Ans: A

20 Lines or Curves of any phase diagram represents------------of the system.
    A. number of phases
    B. number of components
    C. triple point
    D. equillibrium between phases
Ans: D

21 Equillibrium between solid or liquid phases is called as--------------.
    A. melting curve or fusion curve
    B. vapour pressure curve or vaporization curve
    C. sublimation curve
    D. none of these
Ans: A

22 Equillibrium between liquid or vapour phases is called as--------------.
    A. melting curve or fusion curve
    B. vapour pressure curve or vaporization curve
    C. sublimation curve
    D. none of these
Ans: B

23 Equillibrium between solid or vapour phases is called as--------------.
    A. melting curve or fusion curve
    B. vapour pressure curve or vaporization curve
    C. sublimation curve
    D. none of these
Ans: C

24 The three boundary lines on the phase diagram intersect at the common point called as-----.
    A. melting point
    B. boiling point
    C. triple point
    D. none of these
Ans: C

25 The same substance occurs in more than one crystalline forms is known as----------.
    A. polymorphs
    B. mirror image
    C. same substance
    D. equal substance
Ans: A

26 The temperature, at which a polymorphic substance changes from one form to another, is called as -----------------.
    A. melting point
    B. boiling point
    C. triple point
    D. transition temperature or transition point
Ans: D

27 Rhombic α-sulphur on heating changes to monoclinic β-sulphur at --------.
    A. 95.6º C
    B. 96.6º C
    C. 96.5º C
    D. 96.8º C
Ans: A

28 Reduced phase rule equation is represented by
    A. F' = C - P + 5
    B. F' = C - P + 1
    C. F' = C - P + 2
    D. F' = C - P + 3
Ans: C

29 Theorotically silver-lead system has four phases but practically it has ---------phases.
    A. 3
    B. 2
    C. 4
    D. 1
Ans: A

30 Melting point of solid lead is ---------.
    A. 327 ºC
    B. 329 ºC
    C. 330 ºC
    D. 326 ºC
Ans: A

31 The forces which mediate interaction between molecules, including forces of attraction or repulsion which act between atoms and other types of neighboring particles, e.g. atoms or ions are called as-----------.
    A. Intermolecular forces
    B. Intramolecular forces
    C. Attractive forces 
    D. Repulsive forces
Ans: A

32 Which polymers occur naturally?
    A. Nylon-66
    B. Bakelite
    C. PVC
    D. Cellulose
Ans: D

33 Which one of the following polymers is prepared by condensation polymerization?
    A. Thermoplastic
    B. Thermosetting
    C. Both a and b
    D. None of these
Ans: B

34 Carbon fiber is an example of ________
    A. Fillers
    B. Stabilizer
    C. Reinforcement
    D. Flame retardant
Ans: C

35 A polymer made of identical monomer units is called ______
    A. Copolymer
    B. Branched polymer
    C. Homopolymer
    D. Branched polymer
Ans: C

36 Which of the following flame retarders use in compound of PVC
    A. Al
    B. Mg
    C. Carbon black
    D. Antimony oxide
Ans: D

37 Which of the following plasticizers additives use in compound of plastic
    A. CaCO3
    B. Cellulose
    C. Dioctyl Phthalate
    D. Carbon black
Ans: C

38 The number of repeating units in a polymer is known as __________
    A. Chain
    B. Degree of polymerization
    C. Molecules
    D. Monomer
Ans: D

39 Blood filters used as a biomedical application, which made from…
    A. Polyurethane
    B. PTFE
    C. PVC
    D. Polyethylene
Ans: B

40 Example of condensation polymer is ….
    A. Polyethane
    B. Polystyrene
    C. Polyacrylonitrile
    D. Nylon-66
Ans: D

41 Constitute used for moulding of plastic are….
    A. Fillers
    B. Catalyst
    C. Stabilizer
    D. All of above
Ans:  D

42 Which of the following are addition polymers?
    A. Nylon
    B. Melamine formaldehyde resin
    C. Orlon
    D. Polystyrene
Ans: D

43 Which of the following is not a polymer
    A. Sucrose
    B. Enzyme
    C. Starch
    D. Teflon
Ans: A

44 Which of the following polymer is three dimensional with cross link structure
    A. Thermosetting polymer
    B. Thermoplastic polymer
    C. Both of a and b
    D.None of these
Ans: C

45 Which of the following is use for manufacturer carrier bag?
    A. Low density polyethylene (LDPE)
    B. How density polyethylene (HDPE)
    C. Polycarbonate
    D. PVC
Ans: B

46 Which of the following is used to make CD?
    A. PVC
    B. Polystyrene
    C. Polycarbonate
    D. Teflon
Ans: C

47 Plastics are the materials obtained by mixing the __________ with the other ingredients which impart special engineering properties.
    A. Resin
    B. Monomer
    C. Catalyst
    D. Any polymer
Ans: A

48 Thermo plastics becomes ________ on heating.
    A. Rigid
    B. Moulded
    C. Soft
    D. Brittle
Ans: C

49 Which of the following is a thermo setting resins?
    A. Polyethylene 
    B. Polyvinyl chloride
    C. Polyvinyl cyanide
    D. Bakelite
Ans: D

50 The fabrication cost is __________ for plastics.
    A. High
    B. Low
    C. Moderate
    D.Very high
Ans: B

51 Which statements are correct for plastic? 1. Plastic is a non-metallic material that can be moulded to any shape 2. Plastic is a natural or synthetic resin 3. Plastic is of organic nature composed of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen
    A. only statements 1 and 2 correct, statement 3 is wrong
    B. only statements 1 and 3 correct, statement 2 is wrong
    C. only statements 2 and 3 correct, statement 1 is wrong
    D. all statements 1, 2 and 3 are correct
Ans: D

52 Why are the plasticisers added with polymers?
    A. To hold other constituents of plastic together
    B. To reduce the cost and enhance the strength and hardness of plastics
    C. To improve flexibility and to reduce the temperature and pressure required for moulding of
    D. None of these
Ans: C

53 The raw material to make plastic is crude oil.
    A. True
    B. False
    C. None of these
    D. All of these
Ans: B

54 Plastic is suitable for building large and heavy structures.
    A. True
    B. False
    C. None of these
    D. All of these
Ans: B

55 PVC is a thermoplastic.
    A. True
    B. False
    C. None of these
    D. All of these
Ans: A

56 HDPE is a tough plastic used for making toys.
    A. True
    B. False
    C. None of these
    D. All of these
Ans: A

57 Which monomer is use in preparation of Kevlar
    A. Benzene-1,4-diamine
    B. Styrene
    C. Adipic acid
    D. Ethelene
Ans: A

58 Which monomer is use in preparation of Kevlar
    A. Styrene
    B. Benzene-1,4- dicarbonyl dichloride
    C. Adipic acid
    D. Ethelene
Ans: B

59 Which of the polymer is synthesized by condensation polymer
    A. Polystyrene
    B. Polyethene
    C. Polypropelene
    D. Kevlar
Ans: D

60 Which byproduct form in the formation of Kevlar
    A. water
    B. Nitro
    C. HCl
    D. SO2
Ans: C

61 Which monomer used in preparation of urea formaldehyde
    A. Adipic acid
    B. Benzene-1,4- dicarbonyl dichloride
    C. Polypropelene
    D. Urea
Ans: D

62 Which monomer used in preparation of urea formaldehyde
    A. Formaldehyde
    B. Benzene-1,4- dicarbonyl dichloride
    C. Polypropelene
    D. Hexamethylene diamine
Ans: A

63 Which monomer used in preparation of Backelite
    A. Styrene
    B. Benzene-1,4- dicarbonyl dichloride
    C. Phenol
    D. Hexamethylene diamine
Ans: C

64 Which monomer used in preparation of Backelite
    A. Ethylene and ketone
    B. Benzene-1,4- dicarbonyl dichloride and Phenol
    C. Phenol and Formaldehyde
    D. Hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid
Ans: C

65 Which monomer used in preparation of PMMA
    A. Methyl methacrylate
    B. Methyl Mercaptan
    C. Methylene blue
    D. Methyl myristate and adipic acid
Ans: A

66 What is the full form of PMMA
    A. Poly Methyl methacrylate
    B. Poly Methyl Mercaptan Acid
    C. Poly Methylene Acetate
    D. Poly Methyl Stearate Acid
Ans: A

67 Which polymer use in protective apparel
    A. Poly Methyl methacrylate
    B. Backelite
    C. Urea Formaldehyde
    D. Polythene
Ans: A

68 Which of the polymer use in glazing
    A. Nylon 66
    B. Backelite
    C. Urea Formaldehyde
    D. Poly Methyl methacrylate
Ans: D

69 Which of the polymer use in bone cements
    A. Nylon 66
    B. Kevlar
    C. Urea Formaldehyde
    D. Poly Methyl methacrylate
Ans: D

60 Which of the polymer use in dental restorations
    A. Teflon
    B. Kevlar
    C. Poly Methyl methacrylate
    D. Urea Formaldehyde
Ans: C

71 Which of the polymer use in electrical switches
    A. Teflon    
    B. Phenol Formaldehyde
    C. Poly Methyl methacrylate
    D. Urea Formaldehyde
Ans: C

72 Bakelite is obtained from phenol by reacting with
    A. HCHO
    B. (CH2OH)2
    C. CH3CHO
    D. CH3COCH3
Ans: A

73 Which of the following is a polyamide?
    A. Teflon
    B. Terylene
    C. bakelite
    D. Kevlar
Ans: D

74 On the basis of mode of formation polymers can be classified
    A. as copolymers
    B. as addition polymerization only
    C. as branch polymerization only
    D. as addition and condensation polymers
Ans: D

75 On the basis of mode of formation polymers can be classified
    A. thermoplastics
    B. thermosetting plastics
    C. None of these
    D. All of these
Ans: D

76 Which of the following statements is not correct for fibers?
    A. Fibers possess high tensile strength and high modulus
    B. Fibers impart crystalline nature
    C. Characteristic features of fibers are due to strong intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding
    D. All are correct
Ans: B

77 Compounding of plastic means
    A. Addition of pigments additives
    B. Addition of flame retarder’s additives
    C. Addition of plasticizer
    D. All are correct
Ans: D

78 Which UV light stabilizer used as additives
    A. Zinc oxide
    B. Titanium dioxide
    C. Substituted Benzophenones
    D. All are correct
Ans: C

79 Which polymer use as conducting polymers
    A. Nylon 66
    B. Kevlar
    C. Polyaniline
    D. UF
Ans: C

80 Which polymer use as conducting polymers
    A. Polythiophene
    B. PMMA
    C. PVC
    D. Bakelite
Ans: A

81 Which lubricant additives used in polymer
    A. Ethanol
    B. Methanol
    C. CaCO3
    D. waxes and oil
Ans: D

82 What is the example of plasticizer additives
    A. Phosphates
    B. Vegetable oil
    C. Camphor
    D. All are correct
Ans: D

83 Which additives used for red color to plastic
    A. Cu
    B. Ferric oxide
    C. CaCO3
    D. Zinc oxide
Ans: B

84 Which additives used for green color to plastic
    A. Ferric oxide
    B. Methanol
    C. Chromium trioxide
    D. Zinc oxide
Ans: C

85 Which additives used for white color to plastic
    A. Fe
    B. Methanol
    C. Chromium trioxide
    D. Zinc oxide and CaCO3
Ans: D

86 Which additives used as fillers in plastic
    A. Carbon black
    B. Clay
    C. Wood powder
    D. All are correct
Ans: D

87 Plastics are
    A. Only Micro molecule
    B. Only natural molecule
    C. Macromolecule
    D. All are correct
Ans: C

88 What is the range of tensile strength, exhibited by fibres?
    A. 300-3,000
    B. 4,000-15,000
    C. 20,000-150,000
    D. 5,000-10,000
Ans: D

89 Which of the following is a thermosetting polymer?
    A. Bakelite
    B. polystyrene
    C. PVC
    D. Polythene
Ans: A

90 Which of the following is a thermosetting polymer?
    A. Teflon
    B. polystyrene
    C. PVC
    D. Kevlar
Ans: D

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