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Engineering Mechanics MCQs TT-1 (March 2021)

Post by : Sachin Dabhade ( Data Science )

         As we know that engineering is all about problem solving and technical theory stuff as well as practical. And most of the students have unwanted fear about the subject Mechanics. Although Mechanics is not as harder as we considered it. So for overcoming these types of problems we can use the library books. There is good stuff for solving problems. The important thing while learning mechanics is we have to practice it regularly. This can change your mindset to see towards the hard subject ( Mechanics ) as simple. So, keep practicing the Mechanics..!

    Stay safe....!

Engineering Mechanics MCQs

        RCPIT Examination, Shirpur.

Type 1: Multiple Choice Questions – 1 Mark

1. Collinear forces are those which

    A) Are Concurrent At A Point 

    B) Are Parallel To Each Other 

    C) Lie On The Same Line 

    D) Act On Different Planes

    Ans: Option C

2. If the resultant of two forces is zero then it implies that the two forces are 

    A) Equal In Magnitude     

    B) Equal In Magnitude And Direction 

    C) Equal In Magnitude And Opposite In Direction 

    D) Equal In Magnitude And Perpendicular To Each Other

    Ans: Option C

3. State in which of the following actions the applied force does not produce a moment 

    A) Pedaling A Bicycle 

    B) Stretching A Spring 

    C) Opening A Water Tape 

    D) Opening A Door

    Ans: Option B

4. Varignon's theorem is used to find ________ 

    A) Direction of Resultant Force 

    B) Location of Resultant Force 

    C) Magnitude of Resultant Force 

    D) Nature of Resultant Force

    Ans: Option B

5. Pair of forces that cause steering wheel of a car to rotate is called 

    A) Couple 

    B) Moment 

    C) Normal Force 

    D) Weight

    Ans: Option A

6. Combined effect of several forces is known as 

    A) Net Force 

    B) Resultant Force 

    C) Normal Force 

    D) Weight

    Ans: Option B

7.  The angles between the two forces to make their resultant a minimum and a maximum are respectively 

    A) 180° And 0° 

    B) 90° And 0° 

    C) 180° And 90° 

    D) 0° And 180°

    Ans: Option A

8.  The force that cancels the effect of the force system acting on the body is known as 

    A) Equilibrant 

    B) Neutral Force 

    C) Balancing Force 

    D) Resultant

    Ans: Option A

9. A force is completely defined when we specify 

    A) Magnitude 

    B) Direction 

    C) Point of application 

    D) All of the above

    Ans: Option D

10. The x or y coordinate of the centroid of a quadrant of a circular area of radius r is 

    A) 4r/3π 



    D) r/π

    Ans: Option A

11. Moment of force depends upon 

    A) Magnitude of force 

    B) Both A and C 

    C) Perpendicular distance of force from pivot 

    D) Axis of rotation

    Ans: Option B

12. Principle of transmissibility can be applied only when the body is treated as 

    A) A particle 

    B) A rigid body 

    C) Deformable 

    D) A continuum

    Ans: Option B

13. Which of the following statements is false about forces/couple? 

    A) Moment Of Couple Is Free Vector 

    B) Resultant And Equilibrant Are Equal In Magnitude And Direction 

    C) Resultant Of A Couple Is Always Zero 

    D) Parallelogram Law Is To Be Proved Experimentally

    Ans: Option B

14. If a number of forces act simultaneously on a particle, it is possible 

    A) Not a replace them by a single force

    B) To replace them by a single force 

    C) To replace them by a single force through C.G

    D) To replace them by a couple

    Ans: Option B

15. The number of condition of equilibrium available for concurrent type of force system are: 

    A) 4 

    B) 2 

    C) 3 

    D) 0

    Ans: Option B

16. If three _________ force are acting at a point and are in equilibrium. Then each force is directly proportional to sin of angle between remaining two other forces. 

    A) coplanar concurrent 

    B) coplanar non-concurrent 

    C) coplanar parallel 

    D) coplanar collinear

    Ans: Option A

17. Centre of gravity of a body 

    A) is a point in the body at which g is constant 

    B) is a point in the body different for different orientations of the body 

    C) is a point in the body at which the entire weight is assumed to be concentrated 

    D) Always coincides with the centroid of its volume

    Ans: Option C

18. If an area has an axis of symmetry then 

    A) Its first moment about that axis is zero 

    B) Its centroid lies on that axis 

    C) Both A and B 

    D) None of these

    Ans: Option C

19. The unit of coordinates of centroid from reference axis is in 

    A) cm2 

     B) cm 

    C) kg 

    D) N 

    Ans: Option 

20. To satisfy first condition of equilibrium, if rightward forces are positive, leftward forces must be 

    A) Positive 

    B) Doubled 

    C) Negative 

    D) Halved 

    Ans: Option 

21. The forces which meet at a point are called as…. 

    A) collinear forces 

    B)concurrent forces

    C) parallel forces 

    D) coplanar forces 

    Ans: Option 

22. The algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces about any point is equal to the moment of their resultant about the same point. This statement is as per, 

    A) Law of parallelogram 

    B) principle of transmissibility 

    C) Newton’s law of gravitation 

    D) Varignon’s theorem 

    Ans: Option 

23. The effect of moment of a force on body is…. 

    A) Linear motion 


    C) Translation 

    D) None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

24. A force can be split in to two components having the same effect as that of a force. This is called as…. 

    A) composition of forces 

    B) resolution of a force 

    C) law of parallelogram of forces 

    D) principle of transmissibility of forces 

    Ans: Option 

25. The necessary condition of equilibrium of a body is.. 

    A) Algebraic sum of horizontal components of all the forces must be zero 

    B) Algebraic sum of vertical components of all the forces must be zero 

    C) Algebraic sum of moments of forces about a point must be zero 

    D) All of the above 

    Ans: Option 

26. If the X and Y axes pass through the center of the circle, then the horizontal centroidal distance from the reference axis Y is ….. 

    A) Zero 

    B) One 

    C) Two 

    D) None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

27. Unit of moment is 

    A) KN 

    B) KN/m 

    C) KN-m 

    D) MM 

    Ans: Option 

28. If a material has no uniform density throughout the body, then the position of centroid and center of mass are 

    A) Identical 

    B) Not identical 

    C) Independent upon the density 

    D) unpredictable 


29. What will be the horizontal X component of 15 N force having an angle 330 with horizontal 

    A) 15 cos 33 

    B) 15 sin 33 

    C) 15 cos 30 

    D) None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

30. The forces which are acting along the same straight line are called as: 

    A) Non-collinear forces 

    B) Concurrent forces 

    C) collinear forces 

    D) parallel forces 

    Ans: Option 

31. Number of perpendicular components of a force are 

    A. 1 

    B. 2 

    C. 3     

    D. 4 

    Ans: Option 

32. Varignon's theorem is used to find ________ 

    A. direction of resultant force 

    B. location of resultant force 

    C. magnitude of resultant force 

    D. nature of resultant force 

    Ans: Option 

33. Forces that are parallel to each other and have same direction are called ……………… 

    A. positive forces 

    B. negative forces 

    C. unlike parallel forces 

    D. like parallel forces 

    Ans: Option 

34. Resultant force are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction with 

    A. Couple 

    B. Equilibrant Force 

    C. Pressure 

    D. None of the above 

    Ans:  Option 

35. How many forces are acting on a body at a point in Lami’s theorem 

    A. Two 

    B. Five 

    C. Four 

    D. Three 

    Ans: Option 

36. The sketch of an isolated body free from constraints and showing active and reactive forces acting on the body is referred as… 

    A .Rigid body diagram 

    B. Free body diagram     

    C. Sketch of the body 

    D. Equilibrium body 

    Ans: Option 

37. SI unit of force is…. 

    A. N 

    B. meter 

    C. Nm 

    D. kNm 

    Ans: Option 

38. It is not branch of mechanics 

    A. Statics 

    B. Dynamics 

    C. Pnumatic 

    D. Varignon’s theorem     

    Ans: Option 

39. Statics deals with action of forces on body 

    A. at rest 

    B. in motion 

    C. both A and B 

    D. None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

40. Which of the following is not characteristic of force 

    A. Magnitude 

    B. Direction 

    C. Equilibrium 

    D. Position 

    Ans: Option 

41. The law ‘the state of rest or motion of the rigid body is unaltered if a force acting on the body is replaced by another force of the same magnitude and direction but acting anywhere on the body along the line of action of the replaced force’ is known as 

    A) Newton’s 2nd law 

    B) Law of transmissibility 

    C) Lami’s theorem 

    D) Polygon law of forces 

    Ans :Option 

42. Centre of gravity of a body 

    A) is a point in the body at which g is constant 

    B) is a point in the body different for different orientations of the body 

    C) is a point in the body at which the entire weight is assumed to be concentrated 

    D) Always coincides with the centroid of its volume 

    Ans: Option 

43. If the resultant of two forces is zero then it implies that the two forces are 

    A) Equal In Magnitude 

    B) Equal In Magnitude And Direction 

    C) Equal In Magnitude And Opposite In Direction 

    D) Equal In Magnitude And Perpendicular To Each Other 

    Ans : Option 

44. Varignon's theorem is used to find ________ 

    A) Direction Of Resultant Force 

    B) Location Of Resultant Force 

    C) Magnitude Of Resultant Force 

    D) Nature Of Resultant Force

    Ans : Option B 

45. Combined effect of several forces is known as 

    A) Net Force 

    B) Resultant Force 

    C) Normal Force 

    D) Weight 

    Ans : Option 

46. Normal reaction always acts 

    A) Parallel to the surface in contact 

    B) Perpendicular to the surface in contact 

    C) Both A and B 

    D) None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

47. What does the Newton’s THIRD law states? 

    A) The rate of change of momentum is equal to the force applied 

    B) For every reaction there is an opposite reaction 

    C) The body is tend to be rotated if the force is applied tangentially 

    D) The body is rest until a force is applied 

    Ans: Option 

48. What does the Newton’s FIRST law states? 

    A) The rate of change of momentum is equal to the force applied     

    B) For every reaction there is an opposite reaction 

    C) The body is tend to be rotated if the force is applied tangentially 

    D) The body is rest until a force is applied 

    Ans: Option 

49. What does the Newton’s SECOND law states? 

    A) The rate of change of momentum is equal to the force applied 

    B) For every reaction there is an opposite reaction 

    C) The body is tend to be rotated if the force is applied tangentially 

    D) The body is rest until a force is applied 

    Ans: Option 

50. Force F=300N acting vertically upwards at x=2m, y=2m.The magnitude of moment of force about origin is 

    A) 600Nm 

    B) 660Nm 


    D) 330Nm 

    Ans: Option 

51. Three forces of magnitude 100 N each are acting along the sides of an equilateral triangle. The magnitude of resultant of these forces is….. 

    A) 100N 

    B) 200N 

    C) 300N 

    D) 0N 

    Ans: Option 

52. On a member AB two unlike parallel forces 20N each act at 0.6m apart. The equivalent system can be 

    A) couple of 12Nm 

    B) couple of 6Nm 

    C) force 20 N 

    D) force 0 N 

    Ans: Option 

53. A force of 10 N is making an angle of 30° with horizontal. Its vertical component will be 

    A) 4 N 

    B) 5 N 

    C) 7 N 

    D) 10 N 

    Ans: Option B  

54. Which of the following condition of equilibrium for the perfect equilibrium? 

    A) ∑Fx=0, ∑M≠0 and ∑Fy = 0 

    B) ∑Fx=0, ∑M=0 and ∑Fy = 0 

    C) ∑Fx≠0, ∑M=0 and ∑Fy = 0 

    D) ∑Fx=0, ∑M=0 and ∑Fy ≠0     

    Ans : Option 

55. If five forces having same magnitude are acting on the single particle and having an angle of 72˚ between each and are collinear, then: 

    A) The net force acting on the body is zero 

    B) The net force acting on the body is horizontal 

    C) The net force acting on the body is vertical 

    D) The net force acting on the body is at an angle of 45 

    Ans: Option 

56. Which of the following is correct? 

    A) The application of the conditions of the equilibrium of the body is valid only if the forces are collinear 

    B) The application of the conditions of the equilibrium of the body is valid only if the forces are parallel 

    C) The application of the conditions of the equilibrium of the body is valid only if the forces are perpendicular 

    D) The application of the conditions of the equilibrium of the body is valid throughout     

    Ans: Option 

57. Equilibrium means 

    A) State of rest 

    B) varying in Motion 

    C) Deformation 

    D) None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

58. A force of 50 N acting tangentially to a circle of radius 6m. Its moment about center of circle 

    A) 150 Nm 

    B) 600 Nm 

    C) 60Nm 


    Ans: Option 

59 Two forces of equal magnitudes P gives resultant of P/2, the angle between two forces is _____? 

    A) cos-1 (7/8)     

    B) cos-1 (-7/8) 

    C) cos-1 (1/2) 

    D) cos-1 (-1/2) 

    Ans: Option 

60. The vertical force of P Newton acting in first quadrant in vy-plane ae (2,1), If P=200 N, the magnitude of moment about it’s origin is 

    A) 400 N-m 

    B) 300 N-m     

    C) 200 N-m 

    D) 100 N-m 

    Ans: Option 

61. When resolving a force into components 

    A) Only one component is possible 

    B) Only two component are possible 

    C) Only three component are possible 

    D) Infinite number of component are possible 

    Ans: Option 

62. State in which of the following the applied force does not produce moment 

    A) Pedaling a cycle 

    B) Opening a door 

    C) Stretching a spring 

    D) Opening a water tap 

    Ans: Option 

63. Resultant and equilibrant are? 

    A) Equal in Magnitude 

    B) Opposite in direction 

    C) Both (A) & (B) 

    D) None of these 

    Ans: Option 

64. What is the horizontal centriodal distance of right angled triangle of base 20 cm and side 20 cm ? 

    A. 6.38 cm 

    B. 6.67 cm 

    C. 5.38 cm 

    D. None of the these 

    Ans: Option 

65. What are the X and Y components of point P force having an 35 degree to the vertical component

    A. X = P cos35 N, Y = P sin35 N 

    B. X = P sin35 N, Y = P cos35 N 

    C. X = P cos35 N, Y = P cos35 N 

    D. None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

66. Concurrent forces are those forces whose lines of action 

    A. meet on the same plane 

    B. none of these 

    C. lie on the same line 

    D. meet at one point 

    Ans: Option 

67. The term ‘centroid’ is 

    A. the point of suspension 

    B. the same as centre of gravity 

    C. the point of application of the resultant of all the forces tending to cause a body to rotate about a certain axis 

    D. none of the above. 

    Ans: Option 

68. If a body is acted upon by a number of coplaner non-concurrent forces, it may 

    A. move in any one direction rotating about itself 

    B. be completely at rest 

    C. rotate about itself without moving 

    D. all of these 

    Ans: Option 

69. The three forces of 100 N, 200 N and 300 N have their lines of action parallel to each other but act in the opposite directions. These forces are known as 

    A. coplaner concurrent forces 

    B. like parallel forces 

    C. coplaner non-concurrent forces 

    D. unlike parallel forces 

    Ans: Option 

70. The resultant of the two forces P and Q is R. If Q is doubled, the new resultant is perpendicular to P. Then 

    A. Q = 2R 

    B. P = Q 

    C. Q = R 

    D. none of these 

    Ans: Option 

71. If X and Y component of resultant force is 500N, then angle of resultant to the horizontal will be……… 

    A) 300 

    B) 450 

    C) 600 

    D) 900 

    Ans: Option 

72. If two concurrent forces A and B acting on a point are 200 N and 300 N. What is the magnitude of resultant force, if angle between A and B is500 ? 

    A) 471.08 N 

    B) 455.12 N 

    C) 400.56 N 

    D) Insufficient data 

    Ans: Option 

73. The magnitude of the moment of a force about a point is equal to the product of the force and perpendicular distance between ………….. and point 

    A. The magnitude of force 

    B. The line of action of force 

    C. The sense of force     

    D. The point of application of the force 

    Ans: Option 

74. Which is the smallest distance of resultant from moment center ‘A’ along a horizontal rod AB? 

    A) Horizontal distance from moment center ‘A’ to Point of application of resultant = (Ax) 

    B) Vertical distance from moment center ‘A’ to Point of application of resultant = (Ay) 

    C) Perpendicular distance from moment center ‘A’ to Point of application of resultant = (d) 

    D) None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

75. The C.G. point of Quarter circle is ------ with respect to centre 

    A) 4r/3π 



    D) 4r/π 

    Ans: Option 

76. Two like parallel forces 38 N and 86 N are acting at a distance of 6cm. What is the Resultant and Position? 

    A) 416 N, 1.24 cm from Q 

    B) 124 N, 4.16 cm from Q 

    C) 124 N, 4.16 cm from P 

    D) 416 N, 1.24 cm from P 

    Ans: Option 

77. A force of 20 N is acting along a line having slope 3V:4H. Calculate Resultant. 

    A) 16 N 

    B) 20N 

    C) 12 N 


    Ans: Option 

78. A force of 120 N is acting along a line having an angle 36.86 degree to the horizontal. Calculate Horizontal component of Resultant. 

    A) 88 N 

    B) 92N 

    C) 96 N 


    Ans: Option 

79. A force of 100 N is acting along a line having an angle 36.86 degree to the horizontal. Calculate Vertical component of Resultant. 

    A) 48 N 

    B) 68N 

    C) 60 N 

    D) 75N 

    Ans: Option 

80. Find the magnitude of two unlike parallel forces of magnitude P acting at a distance 2m apart, magnitude of couple is 

    (a) 2P 

    (b) 5P 

    (c) 7P 


    Ans: Option 

81. The Lami’s Theorem is applicable only for 

    A. Coplaner and concurrent forces 

    B.Concurrent forces 

    C. Coplaner forces 

    D. Any type of forces 

    Ans: Option 

82. Two forces can be in equilibrium only if 

    A. They are equal in magniude 

    B. They are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction     

    C. They are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and have same line of action 

    D. They are opposite in direction, and have same line of action 

    Ans: Option 

83. What are the number of conditions of equilibrium applicable for coplanar concurrent forces 


    B) 2 

    C) 3 

    D) 4 

    Ans: Option 

84. for coplanar non-concurrent forces, number of conditions of equilibrium applicable are


    B) 2 

    C) 3 

    D) 4 

    Ans: Option 

85. If three concurrent coplanar forces have same magnitude, what will be the included angle between them? 


    B) 120 

    C) 180 

    D) 30 

    Ans: Option 

86. Concept of statics is applicable to 

    A) Stationary body 

    B) moving body with variable acceleration 

    C) both A and B 

    D) None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

87. Concept of dynamics is applicable to 

    A) Stationary body 

    B) moving body 

    C) both A and B 

    D) None of the above 

    Ans: Option 

88. Two like parallel forces of magnitude Q having resultant is equal to 


    B) 2 Q 

    C) 3 Q 

    D) 0 

    Ans: Option 

89. Two unlike parallel forces of magnitude Q having resultant is equal to 

    A) 2 Q 

    B) Q 

    C) 0 

    D) 3 Q 

    Ans: Option 

90. If angle between two forces each of magnitude 10 N is 900 then their resultant is 

    A) 14.14 N 

    B) 14.84 N 

    C) 15.15 N 

    D) 15.84 N

    Ans: Option A

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