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Engineering Chemistry MCQs TT-1 (March 2021)

     Post by : Sachin Dabhade ( Data Science )


        As the scientist says that the chemistry is the central science among all the science subjects and that's why it is a very important and useful subject for exams as well as in the real life. Although chemistry is of two types, we are talking about the subject of chemistry. So it is easy to understand chemistry if you can relate it to real life. Chemistry also teaches home science. So we have to study chemistry at least for our common life knowledge. So make sure that you have that stuff in your sight.

Engineering Chemistry MCQs

RCPIT Examination, Shirpur.

Type 1: Multiple Choice Question - 1 Marks

1. Principal quantum number used to denote
    a) orbital number    
    b) subshell of an atom
    c) behavior of an electron in a magnetic field
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

2. A three dimensional space around nucleus where the probability of finding an electron is high is called as
    a) Orbital
    b) Shell
    c) sub-shell
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

3. LCAO stands for
    a) Linear combination of atomic orbitals
    b) Less concentration of atomic origin
    c) both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

4. A symbolic notation or the manner in which the electrons of its atoms are distributed over different atomic orbitals is called as
    a) electronic configuration
    b) valency
    c) orbital distribution    
    d) electronic distribution
Ans: Option A

5. Bonding molecular orbitals are formed due to
    a) constructive interference (addition of atomic orbitals)
    b) distructive interference (substraction of atomic orbitals)
    c) orbital distribution
    d) electronic distribution
Ans: Option A

6. Which one of the following is true statement of Aufbau principle ?
    a) The Aufbau principle states that orbitals are filled starting with the lowest energy
    b) The Aufbau principle states that orbitals are filled starting with the highest energy
    c)The Aufbau principle states that orbitals are filled starting with the equal energy
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

7. Aromatic compound must be
    a) cyclic    
    b) conjugated
    c) planar
    d) all of the above
Ans: Option D

8. Pyrrole is a five-membered heterocyclic aromatic organic compound with formula-----
    a) C4H4NH
    b) C4H5NH
    c) C4H5NH2
    d) C4H5NO2
Ans: Option A

9. Bond order of oxygen molecule is ----and it is ----------
    a) 1 & paramagnetic
    b) 2 & paramagnetic
    c) 1 & diamagnetic
    d) 2 & diamagnetic
Ans: Option B

10. Which one of the following is not the electronic configuration of atom of a noble gas?
    a) 1s2
    b) 1s22s2
    c) 1s22s22p6
    d) 1s22s22p63s23p6
Ans: Option B

11. Which statement about chromium is incorrect?
    a) chromium is a transition metal
    b) the electronic configuration of chromium atoms is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d5
    c) the electronic configuration of chromium atoms is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d4
    d) chromium has an atomic number of 24
Ans: Option C

12. Find out the bond order of O2 molecule
    a) 2.5
    b) 3
    c) 2    
    d) 1.5
Ans: Option C
13. Which of the following is a characteristic of an aromatic compound?
    a) Cyclic
    b) Planar
    c) (4n+2)Ï€ electrons
    d) All of the above
Ans: Option D

14. Which one of the following is paramagnetic?
    a) H2
    b) Li2
    c) O2
    d) CO
Ans: Option C

15. The bond order of NO is
    a) 1.5
    b) 2
    c) 2.5
    d) 3.5
Ans: Option C

16. The filling of molecular orbital takes place according to __________
    a) The Aufbau Principle
    b) Pauli Exclusion Principle
    c) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity
    d) All of the mentioned
Ans: Option D

17. Which of the following molecule does not exist due to its zero bond order?
    a) NO
    b) Be2
    c) O2
    d) CO
Ans: Option B

18. Choose the incorrect statement from the following options.
    a) In bonding molecular orbital, electron density is low in the region between the nuclei of bonded atoms
    b) The energy of antibonding molecular orbital is higher than that of atomic orbitals from which it is formed
    c) Every electron in bonding molecular orbital contributes toward stability of the molecule
    d) Antibonding takes place when lobes of atomic orbitals have different signs
Ans: Option A

19. Which of the following is not aromatic?
    a) Furon
    b) Pyrrole
    c) Benzene
    d) Cyclopentadiene
Ans: Option D

20. The number of delocalised pi electrons in the benzene ring are
    a) 4
    b) 10
    c) 2
    d) 6
Ans: Option D

21. Which of the following is a not characteristic of an aromatic compound?
    a) Cyclic
    b) Planer
    c) (4n+2) pi electrons
    d) (4n) pi electrons
Ans: Option D

22. Which of the following is the correct molecular electron configuration for Be2
    a) (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(Ï€2py)2(σ2pz)2(Ï€2px)2
    b) (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(Ï€2py)2(σ2pz)2(Ï€2px)2(Ï€2py*)1
    c) (σ1s)2(σ1s*)2(σ2s)2(σ2s*)2
    d) (σ2s)2(σ2s*)2(Ï€2py)2(σ2pz)2(Ï€2px)2
Ans: Option C

23. Antibonding molecular orbitals are produced by
    a) Constructive interaction of atomic orbitals
    b) Destructive interaction of atomic orbitals
    c) The overlap of the atomic orbitals of two negative ions
    d) All of these
Ans: Option B
24. Electron Configurations are useful for
    a) Predicting the properties of a group of elements.
    b) Determining the electrons of an element.
    c) Determining the protons of an element.
    d) Determining the neutrons of an element.
Ans: Option A

25. The electrons will occupy the orbitals having lower energies before occupying higher energy orbitals.
    a) Aufbau principle
    b) Pauli Exclusion Principle
    c) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

26. MOT was introduced by
    a) F. Hood and R. S. Mulliken
    b) Aufbau
    c) Hund
    d) Pauli
Ans: Option A

27. According to Molecular Orbital Theory, the shape and size of a molecular orbital depends upon _________
    a) Shape and size of the combining atomic orbitals
    b) Numbers of the combining atomic orbitals
    c) Orientation of the combining atomic orbitals
    d) All of the mentioned
Ans: Option D

28. Choose the incorrect statement from the following options.
    a) In bonding molecular orbital, electron density is low in the region between the nuclei of bonded atoms
    b) The energy of antibonding molecular orbital is higher than that of atomic orbitals from which it is formed
    c) Every electron in bonding molecular orbital contributes toward stability of the molecule
    d) Antibonding takes place when lobes of atomic orbitals have different signs
Ans: Option A

29. Which of the following molecule is not homonuclear?
    a) H2
    b) N2
    c) NO
    d) O2
Ans: Option C

30. Bond order of NO+ molecule is _________
    a) 2
    b) 3
    c) 2.5
    d) 4
Ans: Option B

31. Which of the following order of energies of molecular orbitals of CO is correct?
    a) σ1s2, σ *1s2, σ 2s2, σ *2s2, [Ï€2py2 = Ï€2pz2], σ 2px2, [Ï€*2py0= Ï€*2pz0], σ *2px0
    b) σ1s2, σ *1s2, σ 2s2, σ *2s2, [Ï€2py2 = Ï€2pz2], σ 2px2, [Ï€*2py1= Ï€*2pz1], σ *2px0
    c) σ1s2, σ *1s2, σ 2s2, σ *2s2, [Ï€2py2 = Ï€2pz2], σ 2px2, [Ï€*2py1= Ï€*2pz0], σ *2px0
    d) σ1s2, σ *1s2, σ 2s2, σ *2s2, [Ï€2py2 = Ï€2pz2], σ 2px2, [Ï€*2py2= Ï€*2pz2], σ *2px0
Ans: Option A

32. The conditions that are required for the linear combination of atomic orbitals are
    a) Same Energy of Combining Orbitals
    b) Same Symmetry about Molecular Axis
    c) Proper Overlap between Atomic Orbitals
    d) All of the mentioned
Ans: Option D

33. When addition of wave function takes place, the type of molecular orbitals formed are called
    a) Bonding Molecular orbitals
    b) Anti-bonding Molecular orbitals
    c) Nom- bonding Molecular orbitals
    d) All of the mentioned
Ans: Option A

34. When subtraction of wave function take place, the type of molecular orbitals formed are called
    a) Bonding Molecular orbitals
    b) Anti-bonding Molecular orbitals
    c) Nom- bonding Molecular orbitals
    d) All of the mentioned
Ans: Option B

35. The bonding molecular orbital has ------------------- as a result of attraction and hence has greater stability than that of the combining atomic orbitals.
    a) lower energy
    b) higher energy
    c) equal energy
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

36. If two atomic orbitals overlap along the internuclear axis, the molecular orbital formed is called
    a) sigma molecular orbital.
    b) pi molecular orbital.
    c) both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option C

37. If two atomic orbitals overlap side-wise or lateral, the molecular orbital formed is called
    a) sigma molecular orbital.
    b) pi molecular orbital.
    c) both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option C

38. HOMO stands for
    a) Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital
    b) Higher energy Orbital in a Molecule of Oxygen
    c) both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

39. LUMO stands for
    a) Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital
    b) Higher energy Orbital in a Molecule of Oxygen
    c) both (a) and (b)
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

40. The half of difference between the number of electrons present in the bonding orbitals and the antibonding orbitals is called as -----------.
    a) Bond order
    b) Valency
    c) Oxidation state
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

41. Pyrrole was first detected by
    a) F. F. Runge
    b) F. Hood
    c) R. S. Mulliken
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

42. Pyrrole was first detected in
    a) 1834
    b) 1843
    c) 1865
    d) 1858
Ans: Option A

43. Pyrrole is a ---------
    a) heterocyclic compound
    b) organic compound
    c) aromatic compound
    d) All of the above
Ans: Option A

44. Pyrrole is a ---------- membered ring
    a) five
    b) six
    c) four
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

45. Pyrrole is a five-membered ring with the formula----------
    a) C4H4NH
    b) C4H5N2
    c) C4H4NH2
    d) C4H5NH
Ans: Option A

46. Pyrrole has ------- pairs of delocalized pi-electrons.
    a) 3
    b) 2
    c) 1
    d) 4
Ans: Option A
47. Benzene is a six-membered ring with the formula----------
    a) C4H6
    b) C6H6
    c) C3H8
    d) C3H6
Ans: Option B

48. Huckel’s Rule states that all the aromatic compounds should have----- number of electrons
    a) (4n+2) Ï€
    b) 4n Ï€
    c) zero
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

49. The property of the conjugated cycloalkenes which enhances the stability of a molecule due to the delocalization of electrons present in the π-π orbitals is called as -------
    a) aromaticity
    b) bond order
    c) magnetic character
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

50. The bond order of CO is
    a) 3
    b) 2
    c) 2.5
    d) 3.5
Ans: Option A

51. The bond order of O2+ is
    a) 1.5
    b) 2
    c) 2.5
    d) 3.5
Ans: Option C

52. The bond order of Be2 is
    a) 0
    b) 2
    c) 1.5
    d) 3.5
Ans: Option A

53. Molecules composed of only one type of element are called as
    a) homonuclear diatomic molecules
    b) heteronuclear diatomic molecules
    c) single diatomic molecules
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

54. Molecules composed of two different element are called as
    a) homonuclear diatomic molecules
    b) heteronuclear diatomic molecules
    c) single diatomic molecules
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option B

55. Energy of Bonding Molecular Orbitals is less than that of Anti Bonding Molecular Orbitals because
    a) the attraction of both the nuclei for both the electron (of the combining atom) is increased
    b) the attraction of both the nuclei for both the electron (of the combining atom) is decreased
    c) the repulsion of both the nuclei for both the electron (of the combining atom) is increased
    d) the repulsion of both the nuclei for both the electron (of the combining atom) is decreased
Ans: Option A

56. Energy of Anti Bonding Molecular Orbitals is higher than Bonding Molecular Orbitals because
    a) the attraction of both the nuclei for both the electron (of the combining atom) is increased
    b) the attraction of both the nuclei for both the electron (of the combining atom) is decreased
    c) the repulsion of both the nuclei for both the electron is decreased
    d) the electrons move away from the nuclei and are in repulsive state
Ans: Option D

57. d- orbital
    a) is double dumbbell shape.
    b) is directional.
    c) has 5 orbital (dxy, dyz, dzx, dx2-y2, dz2) and can accommodate maximum of 10 electrons
    d) All of the above
Ans: Option D

58. p- orbital
    a) is double dumbbell shape.
    b) is directional.
    c) has 3 orbital (px, py, pz) and can accommodate maximum of 6 electrons
    d) All of the above
Ans: Option D

59. Principal quantum number is denoted by
    a) n
    b) m
    c) p
    d) q
Ans: Option A

60. Azimuthal quantum number is denoted by
    a) n
    b) m
    c) l
    d) q
Ans: Option C

61. Phase rule was first presented by
    a) Willard Gibbs
    b) Hermann von Helmholtz
    c) Newton
    d) None of the above
Ans: Option A

62. What does Gibb’s phase rule state?
    a) P+F=C-1
    b) P+F=C+1
    c) P+F=C-2
    d) P+F=C+2
Ans: Option D

63. At freezing point water system has -------- number of phases.
    a) 0
    b) 3
    c) 2
    d) 1
Ans: Option B

64. What is the degree of freedom of a system with 2 phases and 1 component?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option A

65. What is the number of phases in a system with 2 degrees of freedom and 2 components?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option B

66. What is the number of components in a system with 3 degrees of freedom and 2 phases?
    a) 1
    b) 2    
    c) 3    
    d) 4
Ans: Option C

67. What is the degree of freedom of a system with 3 phases and 5 components?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option D

68. What is the degrees of freedom of a system with 5 phases and 5 components?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option B

69. What is the degrees of freedom of a system with pure water?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option B

70. What is the degrees of freedom of a system with a mixture of water and ice?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option A
71. What is the degrees of freedom of a system with a mixture of water, liquid benzene and oxygen?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option C

72. What is the degrees of freedom of a system with a mixture of ice, water and neon?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option A
73. What is the degrees of freedom of a system with a mixture of copper pyrites, liquid benzene and helium?
    a) 3
    b) 2
    c) 4
    d) 0
Ans: Option B

74. What is the degree of freedom of a gas mixture composed of CO2, SO2, SO3, CH4,     H2CO3?
    a) 2
    b) 1
    c) 5
    d) 4
Ans: Option C

75. What is the degree of freedom of a gas mixture composed of O2, H2O and H2O2?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option C

76. What is the degree of freedom of a mixture composed Liquid H2O, solid Br2 and gaseous CO2, NO2?
    a) 1    
    b) 2    
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option C

77. What is the degree of freedom of a mixture composed of liquid O2, gaseous H2 and ice?
    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4
Ans: Option A

78. What is the degree of freedom of a gaseous mixture composed of CH4, CO2, H2CO3, H2O and H2O2?
    a) 2
    b) 4
    c) 5
    d) 6
Ans: Option B
79. The phase rule was first discovered by?
    a) Nernst
    b) Arrhenius
    c) Gibbs
    d) Le Chatelier
Ans: Option C

80. Mathematically, the phase rule can be expressed by (F is the number of degrees of freedom, C the number of components and P is the number of phases of the system)
    a) F + P = C + 2
    b) F = C – P + 2
    c) P = C – F + 2
    d) all of these
Ans: Option D

81. A system containing liquid Bromine water and water vapour has the number of phases equal to
    a) 0
    b) 1
    c) 2
    d) 3
Ans: Option B

82. A mixture of three gases O2, N2 and CO2 is
    a) 1-phase system
    b) 2-phase system
    c) 3-phase system
    d) 4-phase system
Ans: Option A

83. A mixture of two miscible liquids (ethanol and water) has the number of phases equal to
    a) 0
    b) 1
    c) 2
    d) 3
Ans: Option B

84. A mixture of two immiscible liquids (chloroform and water) constitutes a system having the number of phases equal to
    a) zero
    b) one
    c) two
    d) three
Ans: Option C

85. A saturated solution of sodium chloride is a
    a) 1-phase system
    b) 2-phase system
    c) 3-phase system
    d) 4-phase system
Ans: Option B

86. For one component system the phase rule is
    a) F = 3 – P
    b) F = 2 – P
    c) F = 1 – P
    d) none of these
Ans: Option A

87. A system with zero-degree of freedom is known as
    a) monovariant
    b) bivariant
    c) invariant
    d) none of these
Ans: Option C

88. Gibbs phase rule for general system:
    (a) P+F=C-1
    (b) P+F=C+1
    (c) P+F=C-2
    (d) P+F=C+2
Ans: Option D

89. A system containing liquid water and water vapour has the number of phases equal to
    a) 0
    b) 1
    c) 2
    d) 3
Ans: Option C
90. Water system has three phases - ice, water and vapours. The number of components in the system is
    a) zero
    b) one    
    c) two
    d) three
Ans: Option B

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